Building worlds, telling stories & learning to code

In the last two weeks, we've imagined new worlds, crafted stories, learned 3D modeling, coded games, studied astrology, and wrote fan fic (and that's not even all!)—scroll down to catch some of the highlights.First, Octavia Project co-founder and author, Chana Porter, came back to lead us in a world-building workshop. We made emergent maps of imaginary cities and then brought those worlds … Continue reading Building worlds, telling stories & learning to code

Characters, comics, community & more

Octavia Project Summer Institute 2020--virtual edition!  This summer's program may be different in some ways--gathering on Zoom instead of our cosy Classon Ave. spot--but a lot has remained the same: we're still building community, growing our skills, stretching our creativity, and finding joy together. We're just getting started, and already we've done so much...We kicked things off with … Continue reading Characters, comics, community & more