Our last week at the Octavia Project was busier than ever, and we want to tell you all about it!
We welcomed two more guest teachers, artist Miatta Kawinzi and literary agent Sarah Bolling…

… and we got outside to enjoy the summer weather for Field Day, a day organized by the Octavia Project Fellows.

The rest of the week was dedicated to preparing for our closing event, the Portfolio Showcase.

At the showcase, friends and family got a chance to see our artwork, play our games, and hear our stories and poems. You can catch the performances in this video. We also heard from OP alum Aleiyah about the nonprofit she started! (Kyts for Women, check ’em out!)

At the showcase, we also debuted our digital portfolios, which you can find online.

This has been a remarkable summer of building skills, new worlds, and community. We already miss this year’s group, but we’re so excited to see what they accomplish over the next year, and beyond

Thanks to our community for making another year of the Octavia Project Summer Institute possible. And, a warm thanks to Pratt’s MFA in Writing Program for lending us their fantastic home for the summer.

See you next year!